Providing assistance to victims of domestic violence: social, psychological and legal counseling.

Country of Implementation



Providing assistance to victims of domestic violence: social, psychological and legal counseling. Primary and crisis counseling for victims of domestic violence through the National Hotline of Alliance for protection against gender-based violence – 080011977
Provision of assistance to victims of domestic violence: social, psychological and legal counseling. Implemented by the Alliance for protection against gender-based violence, called “Outstretched hand: Prevention and protection from domestic violence for all – provision of emergency psychological, social and legal assistance during the pandemic in the Republic of Bulgaria”

Innovative aspect

Provision also of virtual counseling reception of AZNOP for victims of domestic violence who do not have access to psychological support in their place of residence or for some other reason are unable to attend real meetings with a therapist.

Duration of the measure


Implementing actor(s)

Alliance for protection against gender-based violence

Type of organisation
