“Reception office for Victims of Domestic Violence” at Pirogov university hosptial

Country of Implementation



Since March 30 of 2020 year, the “Reception office for Victims of Domestic Violence” at the University multiprofile hospital “Pirogov”has been providing consultations remotely at the “Psychological 24-hour crisis service line” – 0700 40 150.
The uniqueness of the Reception consists in the fact that three professionals, a doctor, a psychologist or a social worker and a police officer, can provide help in one place. With the end of the state of emergency/lockdown on 2020, the Reception office is returning to normal working hours every weekday from 09:00 to 17:00, but will keep the 24-hour line because the team sees the benefits of it. It is a convenient option for older people who do not have the necessary technical knowledge, devices or access to the Internet, as well as for people outside Sofia.

Innovative aspect

On the hotline, victims of violence can get help in drawing up a plan for their safety, to protect their rights, as well as assistance from law enforcement agencies

Duration of the measure


Implementing actor(s)

“Demetra”Association and the University multiprofile hospital “Pirogov””

Type of organisation
